“Green Project” Kitchen Garden Project on World Environment Day

Date : 11th June 2019 – 8 AM
Venue: Mahatma CBSE School, Baba Building, Surveyor Colony, Madurai
Chief Guests: Mr. Sunder & Mrs. Rajeshwari

Kitchen Garden Project was conducted on World Environment Day
at Mahatma School, Baba Building, Surveyor Colony in Madurai. Meenakshi Mission
Hospital sponsored Rs.1 Lac for the first major project on Kitchen Gardens. Mrs.
Premalatha Paneerselvam and Mrs. Priyadarshini Karthik have provided tremendous
support in getting the sponsorship and initiating the above project. Mr. Sunder and
Mrs. Rajeshwari were the chief guests of the program and gave their valuable
contributions and conducted the training workshop fruitfully for 50 parents from
Mahatma School. They demonstrated the various ways of gardening to the parents
and motivated them to involve themselves in cultivation. This program will be
continued with four follow-up sessions, every three weeks. In the program, organic
saplings were offered to the 50 parents and they were encouraged to start their
gardening at home.